Sunday, April 12, 2015


The first door that was opened to her was filled with darkness,
yet two hands emerged from the black to take her out to the ray of life.
Since then, many doors have opened and many have closed..
One of these doors  have remained open since her first thud,
 on rare cases closing her inside.
To protect her from the storm outside  which sometimes battered this door ..
There's another door, which she's been knocking on for long,
Sometimes granting her wish for a sneak-peek,
but most of the times denying her the entry..
Because one day like the bird she has to fly away,
Lamenting,this door will miss those knocks someday!
Visiting from door to door, she has crossed the gates of life,
Now she has started to guard her door,
lest anyone leaves dark impression on them!
She fears these impressions because with other storms and many rains it may get washed away,
But the light might not enter through them anymore and the dark would seep inside deep....
Deeper into the soul which cherishes the light,
and alas! Another door would be closed!!!

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